Hello everybody, I am Andrea and welcome to my first blog post! I am so excited to talk about why I named my company Dogs and Daughter. But first, let me introduce myself first. I am Andrea and I am 11 years old. I am the youngest staff in the D&D company. My dad has experienced to run his own company. So, I am confident in running a company in the UK. Well, onto the main point. Why did we name our company Dogs and Daughter? As I have a golden retriever, I have thought about different names but none of those were perfect. Then, I thought of the perfect name for this company because I am the only daughter in the family and I also have a dog. Plus, it also starts with the same letter, so I decided to call it Dogs and Daughter. I think this is an amazing name and we can all achieve all our doggy dreams together. You will enjoy the happiness and cuteness in D&D. Thanks for reading this blog and remember to like, share and comment down below. I will read all your comments and I will answer all your questions you have. Bye!
